Walking You Home

Are you facing another year of navigating grief due to the death of your partner? 💔

At lovelew, we want to assure you that your grief - how, when, and how long it takes - is always on your own timeline. Your own unique journey. Your own expression of love. Grief takes as long as it takes.

That’s why we’re giving you a gift from us to you. A guide we wished we had when we were going through the death of our partner.

The Self-Care Tips guide is an essential tool for grieving women. There may not be a clear place to start feeling your feelings or managing the guilt about moving on… but there is a clear place to start taking care of yourself, and loving yourself. Because you DO deserve it.

❤️ Why This Self-Care Tips Guide?

Grief-Specific Self-Care: Tailored strategies to help you navigate the unique challenges of grief.

Simple Yet Powerful Steps: Easy-to-implement self-care actions that can bring comfort and moments of peace every day.

A Compassionate Companion: This checklist will be a gentle reminder that taking care of yourself is part of honoring your journey and your person.

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